Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Andrew Cuomo - Stop Protecting Corruption - Senator Espada has asked, why didn't Andrew Cuomo File criminal charges? Pedro Espada is Right.

"" Cuomo Announces His Success Against Espada At Liar's Club

“Our government teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy." ~Louis D. Brandeis (Supreme Court Justice, 1856-1941)

News From Liar's Club House Journal, a.k.a. NY Times ("All the lies fitted into print") : Andrew Cuomo spoke at the Liar's Club, right after someone else said, "he was the biggest liar."

Then, Cuomo announced his magnificent civil suit against the uppity Senator Pedro Espada who finagled to become majority leader.Now, as not reported in the Liar's Club House Journal: Senator Espada has asked, why didn't Cuomo file criminal charges? Espada is right.

Cuomo's civil suit won't be resolved until after Cuomo hopes he's governor. And worse, the money which could have gone into the State Treasury from a successful NY RICO prosecution of Pedro Espada now cannot go toward NY's Budget needs. As described in prior posts here, Espada's alleged crime represents just 0.001% of the fraud (potential RICO money for the NY Treasury?) involved in federal TARP program's "assets."

The Federal TARP program, supposedly, was to remove those toxic mortgage assets from our financial system, which were generated from Cuomo's Actions as Federal HUD Secretary. But, those Toxic assets are still there. That federal TARP should be competing for the lie of the year 2008.

Meanwhile, while "Nero" Cuomo's NY State is burning from budget shortfalls, Cuomo worries that the plants at the Botanical Gardens could use more watering, er, sorry (lying is not my forte), Pedro Espada needs to face this civil suit.

Cuomo's action against Espada is either too little or too late, or a part of Cuomo's "mating" ritual display to become Governor.

Steve Levy, NY Governor Candidate , sniffed a stench and asked why Cuomo ignored all the other corrupt Senators and Assemblymen? And why does Cuomo ignore the $40 million dollar fraud involving the Chief Judge, Lippman, and Judge Ramos, when he and his staff's work has already done for them, because the witnesses and papers are already available for a Grand Jury and a Trial.

Please, Andrew "Gollum" Cuomo, your NY TARP (Toxic Attorneys and Reprobates Protector) covering up NY corruption may serve your needs to shakedown and protect corruption, but not doesn't serve ours. And Gollum Cuomo, if you want "The Ring," earn it. ""

Source of Post

Terence "Terry" Finnan

Monday, April 12, 2010

Eliot Spitzer DiD not Resign Due to a Call Girl. Follow Andrew Cuomo and Eliot Spitzer's Money Trail.

"following Cuomo's role model, Spitzer, and Spitzer's money trail"

""Follow Cuomo's and Spitzer's Money Trails Pursuing "The Ring."

First, following Cuomo's role model, Spitzer, and Spitzer's money trail (Or How the People of NY lost big):

If you believe Eliot Spitzer resigned only because of a whore, please contact me for a three life or 99 year lease on a bridge. Spitzer funded his Governor's campaign with a shakedown that damaged NY finances.

Here's a quote from Great Britain on the election of Eliot Spitzer:

"Barring the most astonishing electoral upset in history, Eliot Spitzer will, by the time you read this, be governor-elect of New York.

History will come to view him as one of the most damaging figures in the history of the state. It is difficult to imagine that he will, as governor, do anything to counter the damage he has already done to American business, or even that he would wish to do so.

As governor, he will probably continue to make things much worse."

Read the whole article at http://www.quentinlangley.net/article.php?ex=-1&id=290

Was Spitzer worth his cost to the People of NY? Should Spitzer have become our first Jewish President?

NYT's Wake Up Call: Did Clinton resign because of Monica? Did Spitzer resign because his moral standing was eroded? Did Spitzer have a moral standard? Did Spitzer resign, because there was a more to hide, and he got a deal, he couldn't refuse from federal prosecutors? If federal prosecutors offered a deal, do the People have to accept it, also?

Second, following Cuomo's money trail:

Is Cuomo like Spitzer, a Gollum, obsessed with the "Ring," and becoming Governor and our first Italian president?

Do the People of NY benefit when Cuomo shakes down lawyers for his campaign treasury, instead of Spitzer shaking down Wall Street? Cuomo built a 16 million dollar campaign fund with payoffs by lawyers with cases against NY State.

In the end don't the payoffs made to Cuomo's treasury come at the expense of the People of NY whose interests were compromised? Was the salary paid by the People of NY insufficient for Cuomo' needs?


Matthew 6:24 "No man can serve two masters" nor can the People's attorney.

Here is the applicable Disciplinary Rule copied from the NY State's Codes, Rules and Regulations:

DR 5-101 [1200.20] Conflicts of Interest - Lawyer's Own Interests.

A lawyer shall not accept or continue employment if the exercise of professional judgment on behalf of the client will be or reasonably may be affected by the lawyer’s own financial, business, property, or personal interests, unless a disinterested lawyer would believe that the representation of the client will not be adversely affected thereby and the client consents to the representation after full disclosure of the implications of the lawyer’s interest.

Questions in regard the blue text above for Andrew Cuomo:

1. Did you obtain the consent of the People after full disclosure of the implications before you took the money for your own personal campaign interests? Answer -NO.

2. A special prosecutor?

3. Is your defense, Spitzer did it first? ""

Source of Post

Posted here by
Investigative Blogger

Crystal L. Cox

Andrew Cuomo Follows In Eliot Spitzer’s Footprints In Pursuit of “The Ring” and Governorship Ignoring The Law And Rules.

"Andrew Cuomo Follows In Eliot Spitzer’s Footprints In Pursuit of “The Ring” and Governorship Ignoring The Law And Rules To Amass A 16 Million Dollar Treasury.

Can Andrew Cuomo follow Eliot Spitzer’s example pursuing the Governorship and fund his campaign treasury with payments from opposing attorneys with actions against NY State?.

Terence Finnan reports on his blog CuomoTARP.blogspot.com , that one can follow Cuomo’s and Spitzer’s Money Trails pursuing for themselves “The Ring,” specifically the Governorship and, ultimately, the Presidency. Mr. Finnan reports of the joy in London over Spitzer’s role in taking money out of the NY Financial Markets, ” History will come to view him (Spitzer) as one of the most damaging figures in the history of the state. It is difficult to imagine that he will, as governor, do anything to counter the damage he has already done to American business, or even that he would wish to do so. ”Mr. Finnan asks, “Is Cuomo like Spitzer, a Gollum, obsessed with the ‘Ring,’ and becoming Governor and our first Italian president?” Mr. Finnan further asks, ” Do the People of NY benefit when Cuomo shakes down lawyers for his campaign treasury, instead of Spitzer shaking down Wall Street? What benefit to the People of NY accrues when Cuomo builds a 16 million dollar campaign fund with payoffs by lawyers with cases against NY State. In the end, weren’t the payoffs made to Cuomo’s treasury only passed on as an expense of the People of NY whose interests were compromised?”Following the advice in Matthew 6:24 “No man can serve two masters,” Mr. Finnan asks whether Andrew Cuomo can serve as the People’s attorney and at the same time collect payments from opposing lawyers?Mr. Finnan quotes the applicable Disciplinary Rule DR 5-101 [1200.20] concerning “Conflicts of Interest” and asks whether Andrew Cuomo obtained permission from the People of NY to take money from opposing attorneys?Finally, Mr. Finnan asks three questions of Andrew Cuomo:1. Did you obtain the consent of the People after full disclosure of the implications before you took the money for your own personal campaign interests?2. A special prosecutor?3. Is your defense, Spitzer did it first?
Earlier posts had asked Andrew Cuomo to support making “Official Misconduct” a felony, instead of a misdemeanor and presented criminal complaints to facilitate Andrew Cuomo to prosecute several State Judges and Senators for criminal conduct..

For more information:Keywords: Andrew Cuomo,Eliot Spitzer,Cuomo Corruption

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ""

Source of Post

Friday, April 9, 2010

Jame E. Pelzer - Second Department - New York Reported to Be Issuing Unethical and UnLawful Suspensions on Lawful Ethical New York Attorneys

In the Matter of Ruth M. Pollack - James Edward Pelzer

Sources say that Ruth M. Pollack was Illegally and Unethical Suspended as a New York Attorney, her Civil Rights have been violated and sources say that she is not taking it laying down.

So the question .... is James Pelzer - Clerk of Court handing out Attorney Suspensions for Political Favors, Pay Offs, OR are they actually based in Law, Truth and What Really Happened?
Does James Edward Pelzer have to Prove that an Attorney actually committed a crime or did something unlawful or does James E. Pelzer just hand out suspensions like candy...???

See in New York.. My Whistleblower Network talks about an incredible, historic Wall of Corruption.. it is said that Attorneys all know each other and they are above the Law. So the Big Law Firms are protected to committ Billion Dollar Crimes and no one seems to have the Moxy to hold them accountable for anything...

I am seeing in Court Corruption across the United States in Big and Small Courts, that the Law is irrelevant and that the Truth is No Defense. However, the law is forced, faked, staged to set up those who know to much, or speak out against corruption or injustice.. it happens the same in small towns and the biggest of cities... the Game is the Same... easily set up the "Good Guy" for a Text Message, a Faked Incident.. and well you would be shocked.. this to run them out of business and bring the Ol' Economic Terrorism, take their livelihood - take their credibility and ruin their life all to protect some unethical behavior that some Well Connected Attorney or Politician has done... it is Wrong Folks.. Flat out Wrong..

Those of you Who Follow My Blogs.. know that .. it is simple.. the Truth is Criminal.. and the courts, the clerks and corrupt attorneys will make sure you go down for it.. that simple.. I have now seen it over and over again..

Below is a Suspension Letter to New York Attorney Ruth M. Pollack, I found it online.. it is My Opinion that this Letter from James E. Pelzer is Illegal, Not Based in Fact, Not Based in Truth, Not Based in Law and that this Letter is a Civil Violation of Ruth Pollack's Rights.

Stay Tuned to Our Blog Network for More on the Ruth M. Pollack Story, as we uncover More TRUTH out of the Second Departmet - www.SecondDepartment.com

Got a Tip
Email Me at

"" In the Matter of Ruth M. Pollack, admitted
as Ruth Marie Pollack, an attorney and

Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District, petitioner;
Ruth M. Pollack, respondent.

(Attorney Registration No. 1892660)

By letter dated January 27, 2009, the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial
informed the court that the respondent was convicted on September 26, 2008, of criminal contempt pursuant to Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure rule 42 in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York.

She was sentenced by the Honorable Allyne R. Ross to unsupervised probation for a period of two years and suspended from the practice of law in the Eastern District of New York for a period of 45 days.

The Grievance Committee submitted certified copies of the judgment dated September 26, 2008, the memorandum and verdict dated September 19, 2008, and the sentencing minutes dated September 26, 2008, and took the position that the respondent’s conviction qualifies as a serious crime within the meaning of Judiciary Law § 90(4)(d) and 22 NYCRR 691.7(b). Notwithstanding that order of suspension, the respondent continued to practice law in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York.

Accordingly, by order dated December 31, 2008, the Committee on Grievances for the Eastern District of New York suspended the respondent from the practice of law before that court for a period of two years.

The Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District also submitted a certified copy of that order to the court and served the respondent with a notice pursuant to 22 NYCRR 691.3 informing her of her right to file a verified statement setting forth defenses to the imposition of reciprocal discipline.

The respondent was admitted to the Bar at a term of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department on October 26, 1983, under the name Ruth Marie Pollack.

Upon the papers submitted to the court, it is ORDERED that on the court’s own motion, the respondent Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack, is immediately suspended from the practice of law pursuant to Judiciary Law § 90(4)(f) as a result of her conviction of a serious crime, continuing until further order of this court;

and it is further, ORDERED that the respondent, Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack, shall promptly comply with this court's rules governing the conduct of disbarred, suspended, and resigned attorneys (see 22 NYCRR 691.10); and it is further,

ORDERED that pursuant to Judiciary Law § 90, during the period of suspension and
until further order of this court, the respondent, Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack, is commanded to desist and refrain from

(1) practicing law in any form, either as principal or agent, clerk, or employee of another,

(2) appearing as an attorney or counselor-at-law before any court, Judge, Justice, board, commission or other public authority,

(3) giving to another an opinion as to the law or its application or any advice in relation thereto, and

(4) holding herself out in any way as an attorney and counselor-at-law; and it is further,

ORDERED that on the court's own motion, the Grievance Committee for the Tenth
Judicial District is hereby authorized to institute and prosecute a disciplinary proceeding in this court, as petitioner, against the said Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack, based on her conviction of a serious crime; and it is further,

ORDERED that Rita E. Adler, Chief Counsel to the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District, 150 Motor Parkway, Suite 102, Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788, is hereby appointed as attorney for the petitioner in such proceeding; and it is further,

ORDERED that the petitioner Grievance Committee shall serve upon the respondent and the Special Referee and file with this court a petition within 30 days after receipt of a copy of this decision and order on motion; and it is further,

ORDERED that the respondent shall serve an answer to the petition upon the petitioner and the Special Referee and file the original answer with this court within 20 days after service upon her of the petition; and it is further,

ORDERED that the issues raised by the petition and any answer thereto are referred
to the Honorable James A. Gowan, a retired Justice of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, 90 Sequams Lane East, West Islip, N.Y. 11795, as Special Referee to expeditiously hear and report, together with his findings on the issues, and to submit a report within 60 days after the conclusion of the hearing or the submission of post-hearing memoranda; and it is further,

ORDERED that if the respondent, Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack,
has been issued a secure pass by the Office of Court Administration, it shall be returned forthwith to the issuing agency and the respondent shall certify to the same in her affidavit of compliance pursuant to 22 NYCRR 691.10(f); and it is further,

ORDERED that the Grievance Committee’s application pursuant to 22 NYCRR 691.3
to impose reciprocal discipline upon the respondent is denied as academic.


James Edward Pelzer
Clerk of the Court ""

Source of Post

Do you have a Tip on Jame E. Pelzer ?

We are getting information on James Edward Pelzer - Clerk of the Court - Second Judicial Department - Appellate Division ... it is said that Jame E. Pelzer is possibly... simply handing out suspensions as the one above without approval, not based in law or fact but instead based on the New York Attorney Fraternity and the Culture of Corruption that we hear so much about out of New York - Especially the "Second Department.

If you have any Knowledge of Possible Unethical or Corrupt actions from or by James Edward Pelzer - Please Email your Whistleblower Tip to me at Crystal@CrystalCox.com

More Facts and the TRUTH about Ruth M. Pollack Coming Soon to my New Investigative Blog - www.SecondDepartment.com

Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ruth M. Pollack - Judge Harold Baer, Jr. - US District Court For the Southern District - New York. Re: Pollack and Chesney V. State of New York.

A Cover up of New York State and of Federal Crimes - Andrew Cuomo

"" Dear Judge Baer

I am a plaintiff in the above action filed in this court and assigned by "wheel" to you. Also plaintiffs in this action are Kevin G. and Lorraine Chesney. This Letter is written to notify you of the fraudulent representations made by New York State defendants and to seek "reconsideration" and reversal of an endorsed "order" relaying our case to Judge Paul Crotty. ""

Source and Full Letter Click Here.
Ruth M. Pollack - Kevin G. Chesney

Friday, April 2, 2010

Summit 1031 Exchange, Summit Accommodators Principle Mark Neuman Rats out Lane Lyons and the "others" and Mark Neuman SAYS they "deserve it".

Bend Oregon News

Mark Neuman Summit 1031 Principle Confesses to Bankruptcy Whistleblower Daughter, Stephanie Studebaker-Deyoung that he indeed knew that Lane Lyons, Summit 1031 Principal Lied about his REAL role at Summit Accommodators - Summit 1031 out of Bend Oregon.

Was this the First that Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung Knew?

The Summit 1031 Exchange Bankruptcy has 106 victims and their families that are devasted for over 15 months now from the White Collar Crime and Corruption of what I Call the Bend Oregon Mafia - Summit Accommodators, Summit 1031 Exchange - Summit Principals: Tim Larkin, Mark Neuman, Lane Lyons, and Brian Stevens.

Here is the Email from Daddy, Mark Neuman to Daughter Stephanie DeYoung.
She Sent it to Me.. to Defend the Creditors..

March 7, 2010
9:48:47 PM

" I know very well what Lane did in his tenure is not in line with how he's trying to portray his role. I have the list- yes, an actual list and it gets longer as I review emails and such.

So tell me this.

Do you think that your blogs will expose it and somebody from the DOJ will just show up someday and charge them?

This is how I pictured it.

Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox has This Email Conversation,
Complete with headers, IP addresses, Forwards and All.

Funny Mark Neuman, this Indeed is How I pictured it.

So Let's See How it Works as the Next Few Days and Weeks paints a Very Different Side to the Summit 1031 Bankrupty out of Bend Oregon.

Will the DOJ just show up and Charge them
as Mark Neuman Summit 1031 Principle "Pictured It" ?

more on This Confession Email at

For More on this Breaking Summit 1031 Scandal
GO to www.Summit1031Sucks.com
Over the Next Few Weeks Tons will Come out
on the Behind the Scenes of the Summit 1031
Bankruptcy Corruption Scandal.

Lots More Emails and Secrets Coming Soon !!!

Posted Here by Industry Whistleblower
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox