Thursday, May 20, 2010

MPEG LA is a still in Business? How? Illegal Patent Pooling? Participating in Technology theft with Proskauer Rose and Still In Business??

It is not accusations, or speculation. .. it is Cold Hard Facts that MPEG LA pools patents that they have NO RIGHT to and then sells licensing agreements to patents they have no legal right to do so. Look at the www.IViewit.TV website and you will see that Proskauer Rose - Kenneth Rubenstein helped MPEG LA to steal the Iviewit Technologies Patent and to pool this technology with other patents to cover up a Trillion Dollar Fraud...

MPEG LA has been covering up this Trillion Dollar Technology Fraud for around a decade, and MPEG LA has certainly created massive fraud to investors and those who own stock in technology companies and all kinds of companies in which use the Iviewit Technology Illegally.

Question is How Long Will MPEG LA be able to cover up their lies and deceit? How long will license holders, tech companies and all using these Patent Pools buy into the MPEG LA scandal?

Some MPEG LA Bull in the News and Blogs..

""Per Section 3.1.2 of the AVC License (Title-by-Title AVC Video), the royalty for each title greater than 12 minutes in length is 2.0 percent of the remuneration paid to the Licensee or $0.02 per title, whichever is lower. In other words, the royalty would not exceed $0.02 per disc for the videographer," said MPEG LA spokesman Tom O'Reilly.

But practical matters also factor into the likelihood of actual enforcement--for example in the situation in which a Windows 7 user watches H.264 video.

"Realistically, it's unlikely that a consumer who unwittingly plays a video clip from an unlicensed source is going to be pursued by MPEG-LA or by patent owners. The legal framework for patent damages is different than it is in the copyright area, so you're not likely to see lawsuits against ordinary consumers, like some of the highly publicized suits filed by the RIAA [Recording Industry of America] in the United States," Homiller said.

Another way where professionals can get off the hook for payments is if the video is broadcast for free over the Internet. Earlier this year, MPEG LA extended through 2015 a provision that means streaming H.264 video over the Net requires no royalty payments as long as anyone can see the video without paying.

Ultimately, for the license terms one sees in software, MPEG LA errs on the side of sounding tough.

"The purpose of the provision in the MPEG LA license is to ensure that the license doesn't cover commercial distribution of H.264-encoded video," Homiller said. "It would be nice if there were a 'gentler' way to convey this, but it might be challenging to do so without opening up some loopholes that the licensers would regret.""
Seems to me that MPEG LA is pretty high and mighty and throwing their weight around on patents and technology rights that MPEG LA Really has no Right to.

MPEG LA Charging Royalties - what a Joke... Look Deeper Folks - Knowledge is Power.

""Apple is missing because it put its full support behind another video codec, H.264. H.264 is not an open standard. H.264 is free to use for the next five years, but after that MPEG LA plans on charging a royalty for using it.

It is a proprietary standard, owned by a consortium of tech companies called MPEG LA. Apple and Microsoft have both contributed patents to MPEG LA, so they are part of the consortium.""

Read more:
This article is interesting in that Apple and MPEG LA seem to be in bed together .. hmmm on Trillions of Dollars in Video licensing and technology schemes... it is my understanding that Bruce Sewell was at Intel as their general council when Kenneth Rubenstein - Corrupt Proskauer Rose Patent Attorney participated in MPEG LA illegally pooling the iViewit stolen Technologies into MPEG LA Patent Pools - in connection with Warner Bros. - Time Warner Inc.

Bruce Sewell then General council of Intel knew of the Fraud against the Iviewit Technologies Inventors and his solution seemed to be to do nothing, there by aiding and abetting Illegal activity and Massive Shareholder Fraud on the shareholders of Intel and in turn the shareholders of Time Warner Inc. , Warner Bros. and on AOL - which has massive financial consequences to the shareholders and insurance providers and to this day has not been disclosed.. though Jeffrey Bewkes CEO and Curtis Lu General Counsel are fully aware of this Massive Fraud on the Shareholders.

Anyway Bruce Sewell left Intel under very odd circumstance... and well I believe that Bruce Sewell had more than just General Council Skills to bring to the table when Bruce Sewell went to Apple... and now it seems that Apple and MPEG are very close even to the point of going up against google together.. hmmmm..

Bruce Sewell Knew... Click Below

More on this connection at and at as well as and

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Greenberg Traurig - Ponzi Investor Suit Targets Greenberg Traurig, Quarles & Brady

  • Greenberg Traurig

    "" The American Lawyer
    By Susan Beck
    May 12, 2010

    This article first appeared on The Am Law Daily.

    When the U.S. Supreme Court last year rejected the concept of aider and abettor liability in its Stoneridge decision, it was a huge win for law firms that might otherwise be sued by angry investors. But that doesn't mean that firms are completely insulated from lawsuits like these.

On Tuesday, for example, Greenberg Traurig and Quarles & Brady were named as defendants in an investor class action filed in federal district court in Arizona for allegedly aiding and abetting a Ponzi scheme run by a real estate loan company called Mortgages, Ltd. and a financing company called Radical Bunny. In an attempt to bypass Stoneridge, the defendants are accused of violating Arizona state securities laws. A copy of the complaint is here.

The case was brought on behalf of 2,000 investors who claim to have lost more than $900 million. The plaintiffs are represented by Richard Himelrick of Phoenix's Tiffany & Bosco and Andrew Friedman of Phoenix's Bonnett, Fairbourn, Friedman & Balint.

Mortgages Ltd. was an Arizona company that made loans to real-estate developers and then sold most of the loans to investors. Radical Bunny helped raise money for Mortgages Ltd. by illegally operating as an unlicensed securities dealer, the complaint alleges.

According to the complaint, Mortgages Ltd. adopted a Ponzi approach in which new investor money was used to cover operating expenses, investor interest, investor redemptions, and the lavish lifestyle of company CEO Scott Coles.

The company filed for bankruptcy in 2008, and investigations followed by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Arizona regulators. Earlier this year the Arizona Corporation Commission issued a cease and desist order against Radical Bunny, and the SEC found that a Mortgages Ltd. affiliate had willfully violated securities law.

The law firms, according to the complaint, "played an integral role in facilitating the fraudulent scheme." The firms are accused of violating Arizona securities laws, negligent misrepresentation and nondisclosure, and aiding and abetting breach of fiduciary duty.

The plaintiffs have also sued auditors CBIZ Inc. and Mayer Hoffman McCann, and several former executives at Mortgages Ltd. and Radical Bunny.

Mortgages Ltd. hired Greenberg Traurig in April 2006, the complaint states, and over the next two years the firm, led by partner Robert Kant, prepared 11 private-offering memorandums for investors.

The complaint alleges that from at least December 2006, "Kant was fully aware that Mortgages Ltd. was being funded with proceeds collected from Radical Bunny’s illegal securities sales.

The illegality of this fundraising was so apparent to Kant that he told Coles and [Radical Bunny executive Tom] Hirsch (during a meeting with lawyers from the Quarles & Brady firm) that 'people go to jail' for such misconduct....

Kant’s concerns about the illegal securities sales were so great that he admonished the Radical Bunny managers in late 2006 to obtain securities counsel, so that their pictures would not wind up 'on the front page of the Arizona Republic.'"

The complaint further alleges that a Quarles partner "even questioned in a file note whether Mortgages Ltd.’s relationship with Radical Bunny had 'a Ponzi scheme feel' to it."

The Quarles lawyers later stated in SEC testimony that they told Radical Bunny’s managers to stop selling the securities and to contact the SEC and Arizona securities regulators to admit they had violated securities laws, according to the complaint.

But the client said he didn't want to talk to regulators and disclose past securities violations, the complaint alleges. The firm did not disassociate itself with the client, the complaint alleges, and continued to assist in new securities sales.

Quarles & Brady gave us this statement from Jon Pettibone, the managing partner of its Phoenix office: "During a portion of 2007, Quarles & Brady represented Radical Bunny, but we have not represented it since.

At no time have we represented Mortgages Ltd. Both federal and state enforcement authorities have thoroughly investigated the dealings between Mortgages Ltd. and Radical Bunny and brought enforcement actions against Radical Bunny and its principals. Quarles cooperated fully with both investigations.

No enforcement action has been brought against our firm or any of its lawyers and we do not expect any such action will be filed. Our conduct was at all times lawful and ethical....We will defend ourselves against any claim that we acted improperly in any way." The firm is represented by Robert Gooding Jr. from Howrey.

Greenberg Traurig likewise maintained it acted properly.

"These claims are without merit," the firm said in an email. "We believe our representation was appropriate in all respects. The firm is prepared to vigorously defend against these unfounded claims." The firm said that it expects it will be represented by Williams & Connolly. ""

Source of Post

Speaking of Investor Class Action
- Intel Corp. , Warner Bros., Time Warner Inc., Sony, Lockheed Martin, AOL, IBM and more involved in the Stolen Iviewit Technologies Patent - you will be next - when investors find out how long these companies have KNOWN and failed to disclose a TRILLION dollar liability WELL I don't think these Smart, Savvy Investors will be to Happy.. and those Millions hand over fist the CEO's of the Company made - well they will lose it. .. as there are over a thousand documents of proof online of their guilt, and their Knowledge of the Iviewit Stolen Patent and they continue to this day to violate licensing agreements, and to make billions off of the Iviewit Technology..

Guys life Bruce Sewell, Jeffrey Bewkes, Paul Otellini, Kenneth Rubenstein, Christopher Wheeler and tons more... will soon face and Investor Class Action Lawsuit of their Own.. as the PROOF is Plentiful to anyone who Can READ !!!

Oh and don't forget to note that in the RICO complaint and lots of documentation... the CBIZ connection... see CBIZ bought Goldstein Lewin Company RIGHT? and they were directly involved in the Iviewit Stolen Patent. I thought it ridiculously risky for CBIZ to make this purchase, they were all over my blogs before and after the purchase...

Now I believe, from what I am seeing.. IN MY OPINION.. that CBIZ, Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. and Steven L. Gerard knew exactly what they were getting and they bought Goldstein Lewin to protect them and to hide corruption and illegal activity.. they are all in Bed Together just as the RICO Complaint by Iviewit Technologies Owner - and One of the Iviewit Inventors Eliot Bernstein has documented so well in his RICO Complaint.

Just my thoughts.. as all this is adding up to
a VERY solid and Well Laid Wall Of Corruption.
Iviewit Stolen Patent Crime Chart.

More on the Iviewit Techonologies Stolen Patent and Greenberg Traurig 's role in it go to and www.iViewit.TV

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc." Searched by World Bank Group, Billings Ramsey Group, Vitro Corporation and by Curtis Lu in Alexandria Virginia...

What is Curtis Lu Time Warner up to ?

Why is big names and players interested today.. ?? searching "curtis lu time warner" -

We ALL know by now that a couple of weeks ago Curtis Lu of Time Warner Inc. initiated Contact with iViewit Owner and one of the iViewit inventors Eliot Bernstein - Curtis Lu Time Warner wanted Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Owner to take him by the hand and explain to Curtis Lu Time Warner what his risk was.. meaning OMG what am I up against here.. and well do I really have to tell the Warner Bros. - AOL - Time Warner Inc. Shareholders or can I just get by with ignoring it and maybe get a job at another Big Company BEFORE anyone is any wiser.. to the Trillion Dollar Secret and Liability Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. is Deliberately keeping from the Time Warner Inc. Shareholders...

Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
The World Bank Group TODAY searching "curtis lu time warner"

7 Minutes Later Alexandria Virginia searches Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. and is on ONE of my sites for 4 Hours.. so what happened.. ???

is Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. connected to someone at THE "World Bank Group" -Washington DC - is Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. trying to get a job at the "World Bank Group" - is that why they are googling Curtis Lu - Time Warner Inc.?

Or is the "World Bank Group" helping Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. to Assess the Trillion Dollar Loss and Risk to the Time Warner, AOL and Warner Bros. Shareholders ?

Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. is in Alexandria Right? Is today the first time he Googled "Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. " ? I mean come on searches Curtis Lu of Time Warner Inc. - the Shareholders have Rights - searches Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. is Denying Shareholders their rights to information that will cost them collectively TRILLIONS.. and he knows of the Liability so..searches Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. cannot EVER say he just did not know. .. searches Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. knows BIGTIME..


Ok so 3 Hours Earlier who was searches "Curtis Lu - Time Warner Inc. " ?
Well it was Friedman Billings Ramsey Group - New York.

.. Investor Relations - FBR Capital Markets focuses its banking, advisory, trading and research efforts in ... FBR Capital Markets Announces Promotions within Its Research Group ...

So How many More NOW know of this Massive Shareholder Fraud that will annihilate the Shareholders of AOL - Time Warner Inc. and Warner Bros.?

Who Else is interested in Curtis Lu today?
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Vitro Corporation

So what is the deal??

Did Curtis Lu - Time Warner Inc. Panic after talking to iViewit Technologies Owner Eliot Bernstein and decide he could not work at Time Warner Inc.?

Is Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. trying to avoid the HUGE scandal that Time Warner Inc. is about to face and that Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. is Fully Aware Of?

Or is the Hot topic of the day "Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc." because these companies are trying to help Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. to assess the Trillion Dollar Risk of the Fraud - Corruption - Contractual Laws Violated and much more that Time Warner and Curtis Lu will Soon have to face??????

Well I am not sure why the Google Frenzy for "Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc." but I do know that Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. is in HUGE financial trouble and is up against some Major Legal Issues.. with thousands of documents of proof online..

Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc.,
TIME WARNER- SVP, Deputy General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer Curtis Lu;

Links to More information on Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc.
and the Iviewit Stolen Patent.

SEC Complaint involving Time Warner Inc.

Posted here by Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

P. Stephen Lamont Warning - Iviewit SC Filing: Shareholder Kevin McKeown "Opts-In" - Iviewit Technologies

It seems that P. Stephen Lamont is still scheming to derail the iViewit Technologies Inventors and Shareholders. Remember I wrote about P. Stephen Lamont, I posted information sent in to me, Stephen Lamont told Me, Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox to get My affairs in order - which to me is a death threat. Them P. Stephen Lamont joined a hate group to launch an online attack on me and more threats of physical violence.

I posted P. Stephen Lamonts emails to me and the proof of who he was talking to in Foley and Lardner and other related parties, I fully believe through who Stephen Lamont sent those posts to that someone in Foley and Lardner, Proskauer Rose and other insiders involved in stealing the Iviewit patent, I believe Stephen Lamont is in bad with the bad guys on this one..

so Every month or so, Stephen Lamont - who has no rights in the iviewit company, well Stephen Lamont keeps surfacing with some bogus claim, attack, or document to try and stall the inevitable to protect the attorneys that I believe he is in the pocket of.. just my own belief from my statcounter, his emails to me and all that has transpired.. no other reason makes sense...

I personally believe that Stephen Lamont is paid to keep the Iviewit shareholders confused and shook up so that the iviewit justice will be put further off... this smoke screen seems to be confincing some iViewit shareholders even though Stephen Lamont does not have the Right to Act on behalf of Iviewit Technologies in any way.

I was writing, blogging on the iViewit Technologies in a way that would tell the truth of what really happened, this Truth would then expose that the iviewit shareholders really got screwed... so why in the world would one of these shareholders attack me and tell me to get my affairs in order... unless their was dirty dealings - double talk and corruption.. behind the scenes..

Now Stephen Lamont is trying to Scheme to put more blocks in True Justice... for the Iviewit Shareholders...

"P. Stephen Lamont, Barry Becker, Brett Howard, and Kevin McKeown v. Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee, et al."

Iviewit SC Filing: Shareholder Kevin McKeown "Opts-In"

Iviewit Shareholders: Look Deep into what you are being spoon fed by Stephen Lamont - I believe he is in bed with the very enemy that stole the Iviewit Patent and keeps you from your money and justice in the first place... trust your instincts folks.. and get proof - facts.. I am NOT asking you to Believe me.. I am Saying that Knowledge is Power and you need to make sure you see proof of Stephen Lamonts rants, requests, suggestions.. talk of his power or rights.. because you may play the fool and instead of getting your money and justice .. you may just be up for criminal charges along with P. Stephen Lamont.. GET your FACTS folks..

Plaintiffs in Lamont’s scheme, if you go along with him.. seek lots of legal advice first.. and make sure that you are informed of the liabilities of putting YOUR names as direct plaintiffs in a lawsuit. You may be SHOCKED at the risk your taking by believing the lies that Stephen Lamont is feeding you.. find your facts independently..

One question I have in all this is .. who issued Kevin McKeown shares in Iviewit since no shares have been legally issued since the board disbanded without notifying shareholders etc. or electing lamont with executive authorities?

Read Folks, Study all the documents at www.Iviewit.Tv and make sure that you know what you are doing before you jump on Stephen Lamont's Bandwagon.. against True iViewit Justice.

It is my understanding that Eliot Bernstein, Owner and One of the Iviewit Inventors .. has warned all that join Lamont’s scheme and put yourself on as a Plaintiff will cause you to be center stage against 4000 defendants or more and the liabilities to you and your family would be incredibly risky..

Why does Lamont need anyone to make his argument??? The Iviewit shareholders surely can see the truth to all of this right?

Please consult a lawyer and Request that Stephen Lamont have a lawyer tell you of ALL the liabilities and risk that may result to you and your families.

Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies has reported P. Stephen Lamont for criminal activities and is awaiting the investigatory reports.

Enter into binding legal agreements with P. Stephen Lamont at your risk.

More on the Iviewit Stolen Patent at
www.Iviewit.TV and

Intel, Lockheed Martin, Sony, Warner Bros., Time Warner and ALL involved in Using and Stealing the Iviewit Patent .. Pay Attention.. Home Depot ..

Just as Home Depot is now faced with the following, well the Shareholders of Intel, Lockheed Martin, Sony, Warner Bros. , Time Warner Inc., and More..

Organized Invention Theft .. hmm.. wonder who Home Depot's attorneys were... the SHOCKING part is that the Shareholders will face Massive Damages and the CEO and Big Shots at well they always seem to skate by.. .. thing is in the iviewit technologies scandal, theft and wall of corruption - the proof is never going away.. thousands of documents.. and no matter who gets their "car bombed" next by those trying to Silence the TRUTH.. the Internet will still have these documents, this proof and one day those Attorneys, Law Firms, CEO's, Major Tech Companies... well they will pay trillions of YOUR Money to the Iviewit Inventors for What They have Done... it is not a matter of if this stuff is true.. IT IS FACT.. go to for more on that.. it is proven over and over.. contracts in place with Warner Bros. and Denied .. this illegal - corrupt - behavior has hurt shareholders.

Why do big shots like Michael Powell below just stomp on Inventors Rights and welcome a Lawsuit???? Well because they have the Judges and Attorneys in their pocket and usually have no fear.. looks like the tides are turning.. and the truth is rising... and Justice for Iviewit Technologies is Next and the Shareholder of Intel, Lockheed Martin, Sony, Warner Bros. , Time Warner Inc., and More..Will Pay the Price.. the Longer all this Corruption goes on .. the Higher the Price to the Shareholders of Intel, Lockheed Martin, Sony, Warner Bros. , Time Warner Inc., and More..

"" Home Depot called arrogant, ordered to pay ex-Boca Raton inventor millions more

WEST PALM BEACH — When a Home Depot executive was told inventor Michael Powell might have a claim against the hardware giant for stealing an invention that keeps store employees safe, his reaction was swift and vulgar.

"(Expletive) Michael Powell," the executive said. "Let him sue us."

The crass response typifies the company's attitude toward Powell, who crafted an simple, yet ingenious, way to keep Home Depot employees from slicing off their fingers while they're cutting wood for customers, a federal judge said Monday.

"Home Depot knew exactly what it was doing," U.S. District Judge Daniel Hurley said. "They simply pushed Mr. Powell away and they did it totally and completely for their own economic benefit."

Calling the company callous and arrogant, he ordered it to pay the former Boca Raton man $3 million in punitive damages. That's on top of the $15 million a jury in March said the company should pay him for stealing his so-called "Safe Hands" gadget that is now affixed to radial saws at nearly 2,000 Home Depots nationwide.

The damages for Home Depot don't end there. Hurley also ordered the firm to pay Powell's attorneys the $2.8 million they say they are owed, and to pay Powell an estimated $1 million in interest annually on the judgment. The interest began building in 2006 and will continuing accruing until Home Depot pays up.

The roughly $25 million judgment could have been avoided had the company agreed in 2004 to pay Powell the $2,000 he offered to charge for each device. That bill would have come to $4 million.

Instead, Hurley said, the firm dispatched workers to duplicate the saw guards Powell allowed them to test in eight stores in Georgia and California.

"It's sad to say, but Home Depot literally organized a theft of the Powell invention," he said.

Powell, who now lives in North Carolina, declined to comment on the verdict on the advice of his attorneys . Home Depot attorneys also declined to comment.

A company spokesman said Home Depot disagreed with the ruling and is considering an appeal.

"We have a strong commitment to dealing with our business partners fairly and with integrity, which is how we've maintained long-standing relationships with literally tens of thousands of suppliers over the past 30-plus years," company spokesman Stephen Holmes wrote in an e-mail. "We would never condone actions that intentionally violate another company's intellectual property rights."

However, Hurley said, that's not what the evidence showed during Monday's day-long hearing or during a nearly monthlong trial.

Recognizing it was a Goliath to Powell's David, the company sought to cut him out of any profit for the invention that saved the company millions in worker's compensation claims. In the year before the devices were installed, the company paid out $1 million in claims related to injuries caused by the saw. In the year after the gadgets were installed, it paid out $7,000.

He also criticized Home Depot attorneys for their handling of the case, which he described as "nasty, mean litigation."

For instance, when Powell's attorney asked for records of injuries cause by the saws, Home Depot attorneys handed over 6,000 documents. In a spot check of 2,300 pages, Powell's attorneys found one document that dealt with a saw injury.

"This is the kind of activity that people look at that engenders outright disgust for the legal profession," Hurley told Moss. "It is shameful." """

Source of Post

the Shareholders of Intel, Lockheed Martin, Sony, Warner Bros. , Time Warner Inc., it is time to wake up and hold your CEO accountable for the Damages YOU will SOON Suffer...

Posted by Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox