Saturday, August 28, 2010

Intel Class Action Lawsuit - ALL Computer Consumers are Entitled To Huge Rebates.

Intel Corp. Owes Computer Consumers Millions... Owes Inventors Billions.. and Billions.. Intel Corp. Owes State Tax Funds Millions in ALL States... Intel Owes Huge Fines.. Go and Read the Report on the Crimes of Intel and who Covered them up.. Time for a Class Action Against Intel... the Shareholders - the Consumers - the State Attorney Generals - those Defamed, harassed .. lives ruinded by the Intel Cartel...

Time to SUE Intel ..

Folks if NO Attorney has the Balls to Stand up to Intel - You Can be Your Own Lawyer and when Clerks, Judges, "Officials" - throw away your complaints - you can then bring them up on criminal charges.. Mass Legal Documents into every Court in Every Town... you can write up your own Legal Briefs easier then you think.. You can Serve Intel your Lawsuit in Mass.. based on actual LAW and not some Intel Controlled Judge, Attorney, FBI Agent... DOJ Agent.. go to - Download that Document and looks to me like you all have legal rights to MASSIVE Rebates from Intel..

if No Attorney will take Our Massive Class Action Lawsuit against the intel mafia.. well then Millons of US will Do it without an Attorney.. .

ya IN ??

Contact Intel, Contact CEO Paul Otellini - DEMAND your REBATE...
Contact your State Attorney General, Contact the DOJ, FTC, FBI and Complain.. this is Proof over 18 years.. and YOUR "Officials" are being PAID Off with YOUR MONEY !!!

Intel Corporation is NOT above the "We the People" laws.. Intel has ruined mass lives of REAL PEOPLE and Intel ... well ENOUGH is a ENOUGH..

kind of Hard to Boycott Intel as Well they OWN everything and everybody.. hard to find a computer they don't .. well CONTROL what is in it and FORCED on you...

So Let's SUE them.. !!!!!!!!!

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