Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bitterroot Public Library - your Tax Dollars Used to keep YOU from the TRUTH !!

Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton Montana Uses Every Means to Suppress the Truth.

Bitterroot Public Library - Aids and Abets Montana Corruption and Fights with all they can to Keep you from a Letter to the President on Hamilton Corruption.

More on Control, Corruption, and Cover ups at the Bitterroot Public Library

More on Montana Corruption, Bitterroot Public Library and Setting up the Innocent to Cover Up Montana Corruption.

Bitterroot Public Library - Where the Truth is Suppressed, Where you have No Civil Rights, and at the Bitterroot Public Library, Hamilton Montana is Using your Montana Tax Dollars to Hide the TRUTH from You.

The Bitterroot Public Library

Montana Supreme Court Supporting Montana Corruption? SHOCKING...
all over a Tax Paying Citizen wanting a Library to NOT Suppress information, Create Victims, and Harass Innocent Montana Citizens.

The Corrupt Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton Montana Banned a Citizen for Simply wanting you to have access to the Truth. Of Course the Corruption Hamilton Montana News makes you think that the Bitterroot Public Library is in the RIGHT.. and they are Certainly Not.

The Montana Supreme Court HAS to stand behind Hamilton Corruption, they cannot afford NOT to.. DO NOT believe me.. Find the TRUTH yourself, look at the Facts, at Documents and not at what Lies.. and Propaganda fed to you from Montana Corruption.

Here is a Link to the Bitterroot Public Library story on the Set up of who they now call an "Ex-Candidate" - funny before that he was lots of other names.. however THE Truth is that Michael Spreadbury only wants you to have access to the Truth.. and wants Hamilton Officials and the Bitterroot Public Library to obey the Laws that everyone Else has to.

""HAMILTON — The city of Hamilton has dropped a trespassing charge against a former mayoral candidate after the state Supreme Court upheld a protection order that effectively bars him from the Bitterroot Public Library.

City attorney Ken Bell said Wednesday the library only wants to protect its patrons and staff, and the Aug. 10 Supreme Court ruling against Michael Spreadbury does that. ""

This article is Lying, the County Attorney is not telling you the Truth .. Look Deeper..

KNOWLEDGE is Power...

Michael Spreadbury was NOT endangering the Bitterroot Public Library staff or the Bitterroot Public Library "patrons" .

Michael Spreadbury was simply trying to Expose the Fact that the Bitterroot Public Library was Suppressing information at the request of Corrupt Law Enforcement and this is a Violation of Your Rights.. and the Bitterroot Public Library had no right to act how they did.. however Rights and Laws MEAN nothing in the POWERFUL Wall of Corruption in Hamilton Montana.

YOU have no Rights in Hamilton Montana and
the TRUTH means NOTHING...

YOU could have a thousand documents of Proof of your Innocence and if they say GUILTY .. well it is and ALL have to stand behind that Wall of Corruption or they are next.. and the Montana Supreme Court backs them up as there are to many secrets known..

The Bitterroot Public Library along with the Ring of Corruption in Hamilton Montana has Violated the Rights of Montana Citizens for Years.. and NO ONE can STOP them..

A Montana Supreme Court Decision to Keep YOU from the "Library" - if this Does Not Raise your Need for the TRUTH, not Sure What Will.

Demand ALL accounting of the City of Hamilton, Which is NOT a Legal City Right?

Yet the sure to Terrorize Citizens.. and have Control over the Montana Legal System.. Right or Wrong.. Who Funds the Bitterroot Public Library ? Where Do all Bitterroot Public Library Funds Go? Expose Government Corruption and Get a Whistleblower Reward under the False Claims Act.

Links to the Truth About Hamilton Montana and the Bitterroot Public Library
See What all the Fuss is REALLY about with this
BAN the TRUTH from the Bitterroot Public Library

Posted here By
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

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