Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Who is Kevin R. Hall Esq. ? What Does Kevin Hall Really have to Do with the iViewit Stolen Technology? Kevin R. Hall Steps in Blogger Scat !!!

What is Going on with the Iviewit Stolen Technology Scandal?

Question: Is or has Crystal L. Cox EVER written Anything that would Harm or Help Iviewit Technologies or Iviewit Investors? Whose side is Kevin Hall really on... ??

After a decade it seems that those on the Inside who seemed to be all buddy buddy for years are now back biting.. flinging accusations.. threatening and well even making Demands of Me.. Threatening Me, Sending Hate my Way and Why?

Over the last 8 months I have written on iViewit as to Expose the Massive Corruption involved in the Iviewit Stolen Technology. Which involves the Highest Courts in the US, involves Major Political Corruption, SEC and USPTO Cover Ups, involves Major Technology and Media Companies, and involves the Biggest Law Firms in the World.

I had written mainly at - and oftentimes over months I quoted Stephen Lamont and linked to the source at www.Iviewit.TV , which is Eliot Bernstein's Website on the iViewit Stolen Technology. This website is still something that Stephen Lamont refers to in his eMail Signatures and "Official" yet "Illegal" iViewit Business he is conducting to this day.

I was promoting all this.. and yet Stephen Lamont threatened me, the reason remains to be a mystery as I was writing in Support of Him when he told me to "get my affairs in order".

I have supported Frank Brady's Exposing Corruption Site in New York which seemed to be exposing the Corruption in New York Politics, the New York Supreme Court, the NYAG - Andrew Cuomo and More and Yet Now this Site Too as Turned on me. And the Reason, well I am not sure what changed ... Possibley Steven Becker, Stephen Lamont, Foley and Lardner, Proskauer Rose, Intel and many others involved in the Massive - Blatant Shareholder Fraud over the iViewit Stolen Technology.. perhaps they are feeling the Sting of New York Attorney Andrew Cuomo being thoroughly Exposed for Massive Corruption and Cover ups .. which will STOP the Decade of Protection that those involved in the Iviewit Scandal have been happily reaping the rewards from.

In the Last Couple of weeks Stephen Lamont FORMERLY of Iviewit and his Foley and Lardner Connection have been on my Blogs more then Usual, it seems that something is cooking for these Crooks and well they seem to be getting a bit nervous...

I did not have anything to do with Iviewit, I did not make up iViewit information, nor did I deliberately lie about anything.. I linked to the Documents, the Source and Interviewed the actual Founder and Inventor of Iviewit Technologies ~ Eliot Bernstein.

Why make Me Collateral Damage in Your Game, Corruption and Cover Ups... All I did was Walk into a Room and Turn the Light on.. what was going on in that Room had been going on long before I showed up and used my "Hobby" - Investigative Blogging to Help Get the Iviewit Victims Heard and Found in the Search Engines.... I did not Create any of it.. I simply told the Story.. and So For This you Want me to Die. You Threaten My Life and Send me Hate, post hate on me...

Stephen Lamont is so nervous at his Crimes that He Threatened my Life a few months back and now he sends me what he thinks is secret threats in Search on My Stats and Works with.. "Others" to Form Hate Groups against me.. yet all I have been doing is writing on the Corruption that Hurt Iviewit.. and he was Supposedly on the Side of "Iviewit" - WELL it certainly does not look that way now. ~ Not one Thing Stepen Lamont does in Regard to Iviewit is Legit or Legal according to what I have read.. heard..

Stephen Lamont has no Legal Right to Speak for Iviewit and yet Still files court documents and sends out emails of "official" iViewit business ... along with Hateful Attacks toward the iviewit founder and one of the Iviewit inventors Eliot Bernstein. I Post that Hate and well then another party surfaces to attack me for posting "Confidential" information... Yet all I had posted was the HATEFUL email that Ex-Iviewit CEO Stephen Lamont had Sent iViewit Found and Owner.. Eliot Bernstein... So up Pops Kevin R. Hall to Defend Stephen Lamon'ts Supposedly Confidential Hate eMail.... Hmmm...

Today Disbarred Kevin R. Hall - who was Supposedly Helping Iviewit with Legal Advice.. has suddenly turned on Iviewit and seems to have "Sided" with Stephen Lamont..

What? It all makes your head Spin.. ..

So is Kevin Hall PAID to KEEP iViewit FROM Justice?
I WOULD Bet MONEY on IT !!! ~ just My Opinion of Course,
I have been Writing Heavily on Iviewit fo rover 8 months and well
what is happening RIGHT now is VERY Different indeed.

Why is Stephen Lamont emailing so much
Hate and Misinformation to Iviewit Insiders
Right Now...

Check out ~ where Intel Investigator reports that Intel is spreading misinformation now faster then ever... he believe to do with an FTC ruling that is coming this Fall. .. So maybe there is a Crunch Time to Hold on to those Covering for the Iviewit Crime Ring... whatever is going on .. there is certainly a number of folks jumping ship on Iviewit and well making odd demands of me.. One of those a woman named Kathryn Jordon who emailed me this week as well to STOP sending her eMail and I NEVER had.. she demanded to be taken off my Email list and I never had her on ANY list or even knew who she was... So Now I do..

I mean Come On .. It Makes good old fashioned business sense to me TO get my Facts from the Owner of a Company.. from the Inventor of a Technology and not from the "Peanut Gallery" .. the "Greedy Sideliners" ... Why in the World are these guys continuing to attack me when I am promoting their "Cause"... Only thing that makes since is they Jumped the Fence RIGHT Now or had ALWAYS been on the Wrong Side of the Law and the Moral Compass... and was a Major part of Keeping the Iviewit Inventors and Investors Down..

Eliot Bernstein - Founder of Iviewit Technologies and One of the Iviewit Inventors is the Only Source that is Needed, in My Opinion.. why in the World do these Guys think they Speak for iViewit.. ?? Makes No Sense to Me.. and seems Riddled with Conflicts of Interest, Corruption, Side Deals Pay Offs..

Well From This Last 10 days I would say that Kevin Hall, Stephen Lamont, and Steven Becker are having some drinks together and forming some half ass - illegal plan to Do things THEIR Way in the Massive Shareholder Fraud of the Stolen Iviewit Technology.

Maybe what is going on now is the Masssive Fraud in Florida and New York Courts is REALLY being exposed by so many that the Corrupt.. well they are squirming... has NOTHING to do with me.. but I guess threatening me is Easier then Standing up and Telling the Truth..

The Facts to the Iviewit Stolen Patent are Simple www.Iviewit.TV is it not Rocket Science... if you can Read then you can Plainly See the Supreme Court Fraud, the License Agreements NOT Honored, the Patent Fraud, the Massive Shareholder Fraud and well a Major Scandal that will Cost Investors Trillions and the DOJ, FBI, and SEC certainly know about it...

So Stephen Lamont Threatens Eliot Bernstein... and The "iviewit grapevine" sends the Email to me.. so I post it and hmmm.. Kevin R. Hall makes Demands of Me.. .. hmmm. Why is Kevin R. Hall protecting Stephen Lamont... I mean not that I would NOT post Confidential Information BECAUSE I WILL POST ALL SENT to me.. Don't Send an Investigative Blogger something you Don't want Blogged, Duh...

Thing is I had not Posted "Confidential" information when Kevin Hall demanded I NOT post "Confidential" information.. I had posted this..

I am an Investigative Blogger, Kevin Hall Sends Me information then says it is Confidential.? What? Why in the World is he Forwarding me information I did not Previously have and then whining about me getting "Confidential Information" ?

This Makes No Real Sense to Me?

Maybe the Iviewit Insiders are Jumping Ship because many of them Believe that one of them... was murdered.. thing is Sorry .. I feel bad and all however.. Iviewit has Ruined my Life.. in a way.. Writing on Iviewit.. posting information that was already out there and getting it found in the search engines for the names, companies and law firms GUILTY of the Massive Shareholder Fraud in the Iviewit Technologies theft.. well this Changed My Life forever...

I get Death Threats.. as many of you do.. I Get Economic Terrorism as Many of you do.. and yes.. people have been bombed, stabbed, murdered, and set up.. However this Does NOT change the Truth.. and Well Now My Life or way of Life is just One more Collateral Damage in the Dark Deeds, Crimes, Cover Ups and Massive Fraud surrounding the Stealing of a Multi-Trillion Dollar Patent.. - oh Well ... I Choose to Continue to Give Voice for Victims.. though my life is threatened weekly and well there have been attempts on my life.. by those involved..

So Do I Run, Hide, Give UP on the TRUTH.. No.. I Stand with the Truth, I Stand with the Victim... And If I Give my Life for it... Oh well.. the Truth I write Lives on..

I will NOT hide under my Bed While Bad Things Happen to Other People.. as I am quoted as saying in a Documentary on Montana Corruption at

It is Your Story... Stand Up for It...

The Hate is Spewing in the Iviewit Stolen Technology Case.. and coming from the Oddest sourcs.. as those who Were seemingly helping iViewit have reduced to school yard name calling.. and well the oddest display of gibberish.. yet to surface on something that is so important .. so major in bringing down corruption and seeking justice.. yet the petty hate such as the comments here..
Site: won't let me Comment so here is my Comment to these .. well Nonesensically hateful gibberish...

"" Let's Focus on Proving Who the Corrupt are Factually.
And Getting Justice for those Affected by the Iviewit Scandal.
As far as Naked Pictures of Me and What Goes on in My Bedroom
well that is really not that interesting.
Peace and Love to You All.
Crystal L. Cox ""

Posting Silly Comments such as this.. .. Well it Makes No Sense.. One must take the High Road and Continue to pour out the Truth.. even if Disbarred Attorneys threaten to sue me.. and insiders threaten to kill me.. The TRUTH Remains to Be the Truth !!!

Here is Some Email Rants to Me today from Kevin R. Hall Esq. - Oh Please Keep this Confidential or the Corrupt Kevin R. Hall may get upset...

"" ATTN: Crystal Cox, Blogger for Eliot I. Bernstein

Crystal Cox:

As you will note in the Email Distribution List below, your email address was incorrectly listed and thus the below message was not sent to you and is being corrected herein. Please take strict Notice of the Confidentiality and Disclosure requirements of this email herein.

Since there is and has been an acknowledgement of the obligations and debt herein with a stated Plan for repayment and considering this matter should have been a purely Private matter not involving the Internet World of Bloggers et al, it would also seem truly an inappropriate and unnecessary trip into wasteful and improper areas for any further time to be spent in this matter either by Mr. Bernstein, myself or others and I hope you have the wisdom to see and realize this as well.

Thank you and my contact information is clearly posted below should you ever wish to converse or discuss or investigate any matters.

Kevin R. Hall
Offices of Kevin R. Hall
Sept. 20, 2010 ""

And on the Bottom of the Above Un-Solicited Email was a WHOLE BUNCH Of Confidential Information on OTHER People of Which was NONE of My Business, He Made it My Business and then Seems to.. Well Attack me for HIS mistake.. hmmm.

So Kevin Hall sends an UnSolicited Email to Me.. I Deem Threatening and then Demands I Keep it Confidential? Are you Kidding ?

Especially when it is NOW Obvious to me that Kevin Hall is Connected to Stephen Lamont who TOLD me to Get my "Affairs in Order" .. gee we WILL threaten you for Writing the TRUTH on Iviewit and then we will Threaten to SUE you if you Post our THREAT ??? WHAT ???

I am not a Blogger For Iviewit, I am a Blogger for the Truth.. it is Something I Love to do and I do it.. I am NOT Paid by Iviewit in ANY way to Blog for Iviewit.. no matter what NONESENSE you have heard..

So Who WAS Kevin R. Hall Esq., in association with Iviewit? Who is Kevin R. Hall Connected To Now? Was Kevin R. Hall part of what has kept Iviewit Inventors FROM Getting their Legally Rightful Patent? IS Kevin R. Hall in "bed with" Foley and Lardner and Stephen Lamont? ( I think SO !!! )

What We Can Be Sure of is that Crystal L. Cox ~ Investigative Blogger is Telling you the Truth on Iviewit.. The Truth is My Motive !!!

I am Nobody and Of Course this is Speculation.. OPINION on my Soapbox aKa MY BLOG.. but after Kevin Hall's Blather at me TODAY.. ...

I Firmly Believe that Kevin Hall has been a Part of the Wall of Corruption KEEPING the Iviewit Investors and the Iviewit Inventors FROM the Very Justice He "Pretended" to be Helping them to Get.

So no wonder the Big Corporations never took any of this serious.. Kevin R. Hall Esq being involved must have made it seem like a joke.. or some sort of game.. and well If you can read . ... you can easily see that Iviewit DID invent the Multi-Trillion Dollar technology that Time Warner Inc., Warner Bros., AOL and lots more have been Illegally Using for over a Decade.

I Say that Kevin R. Hall Esq, Stephen Lamont, Steven Becker.. and Foley and Lardner are at the Gates of Justice.. .KEEPING iViewit from the Justice they Seek and are Responsible for Covering for the Corruption that has Ruined the Quality of Life of many involved with Iviewit for over a Decade. .. Just My Opinion of Course..

Got a Tip on Kevin R. Hall Esq. ?
Email your Kevin R. Hall Tip to Me

Ok .. so Later that Same Day I get this Email from Kevin Hall

"" Crystal Cox:

It sounds as though you are having a pyschotic Episode or SOMEONE OTHER THAN Myself has Caused you Serious Harm.

So, Find the Truth in That. Eliot Bernstein is the one who has Promoted you as a Blogger for Iviewit so what is the Harm in That? A Little bit Sensitive is all.

I WORK for MYSELF. I go to bed with myself, not that my personal life is ANY of your business. Your email makes you sound like a Deranged Lunatic.


I have NEVER NOT Called you. YOU Never Asked me to call you.

Eliot asked that I call you but then I never had a Number. You are MORE THAN WELCOME to CALL me at Anytime you wish. If I HAD YOUR Contact Info I would call you.

Since Eliot Copies you on ALMOST Every Email I have received from him over the Last Year I Simply Copied you on these Emails so YOU WOULD have the TRUTH. And this is HOW YOU INVESTIGATE?

By Making INSANE and DERANGED REMARKS Totally Uncalled for and Unjustified? In WHAT WAY did I EVER THREATEN you? Please Explain.

The Only thing I did was to MAKE SURE you NOTICED that the prior Email was CONFIDENTIAL and NOT FOR Public Dissemination at a blog. Destroy the Emails if that is what you like.

I Notice that you did NOT ASK to Be Removed from Any further Emails???

Well, if that is so, then the ONLY way I would send YOU ANY information is with Intelligent, Calm, Rationale, Mature, Normal Manner of Addressing issues and life in general. There is therapy, counseling and medication and institutions for anything else.

Feel free to Investigate me. I will help you out all you want. I have NO ILL WILL torward YOU or Most anyone for that matter although trying to gain truth and justice for many is part of a cause I have participated in for years.

So ask away, Call away, email away, that is fine. I will simply Not include you on any emails when CONFIDENTIAL if you are NOT able to do so and will take whatever steps are Legally Allowed in a Civil Honest and Just Society to seek Redress for any harm that may Actually be caused if the request is not honored. That is all.

Otherwise I have no time or desire for Non Sense. Thank you Crystal Cox.

And my apologies if you are not an Active Blogger for Eliot Bernstein or never were. If that was a misunderstanding on my part, so be it and apologies.

Kevin R. Hall
Offices of Kevin R. Hall
Sept. 20, 2010 ""

This is NOT True, Kevin Hall had my Numbers Months and Months Ago .. he saw my posts and said NOTHING until the day came when he decided to Protect Stephen Lamont.

Kevin Hall did Interact with me over the last 8 months and now .. ??

Kevin Hall IS "in bed with" someone or why wish to hide anything?

The iViewit Stolen Technology is Transparent.. and well after a Decade of HELL that the Inventors and investors have been through. ...I DO NOT believe there needs to be Secrets. .not NOW.. far too late for that..

so what is Kevin Hall really Up to? and What is "Actionable Conduct" ? WHO cares. . Corruption is Running Rampant all the Way to the Supreme Court in many States on the Iviewit Case.. and Well that is Certainly "Actionable Conduct" and Nothing is Done..

We Have ALL had Threats Kevin.. Get Over IT..
Some of US have had WORSE then THAT !!

Why do you want things to Be Confidential?

You think that will STOP Murders, Set Ups, Side Deals.. and Economic Terrorism on those on the Inside? BULL - them Staying Visible is the Best Thing.. Period... .. Collateral Damage... WELL all who Speak out on Behalf of Iviewit in ANY way Seem to suffer that.. get over it..

The Words, Deranged, Psychotic Episode, INSANE and DERANGED, Lunatic.. hmmm. sounds like Kevin Hall was part of that Hate Blog about me last winter.. ..

Civil, Honest and Just Society.. .??? .What is this Blather. .Kevin has not had anything to day to me.. why Now? Makes No Sense...

Why in the World would I want "Confidential" Emails.

I am an Investigative Blogger.. Makes NO Sense...

If you need to "Vent" send your Confidential Gibberish to ANYONE.. not to a Self Proclaimed "Industry Whistleblower" ~ "Investigative Blogger" ~ "Mad Dog Blogger" ...

Kevin Hall says he noticed I DID NOT ASK TO BE Removed from Future Emails..??? What sense does this Make ? I never EVER asked to Be Included in the FIRST PLACE.. he Sends Stuff.. I post it.. Why Should I ASK to be Removed? Either Send it or Don't..

You are Either Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution.

the TRUE - Truth Seekers on Iviewit !!!
~ Una Stamus ~

I Stand with the TRUTH
Eliot Bernstein is the TRUTH on iViewit ~ Period
I STAND with Eliot Bernstein... PERIOD...

~ Crystal L. Cox ~ Investigative Blogger ~

Some Links on Kevin Padrick and Iviewit

So Got a Tip on Corruption, Cover Ups, Back Alley Deals
involving Kevin R. Hall ... ?

I Believe that Kevin Hall is Connected to Judith Kay, Foley and Lardner, Brian Utley, Stephen Lamont and More on the WRONG side of Iviewit Justice..

More on the TRUTH of How Kevin Hall got involved with Iviewit in the First Place, more on Connections to Andrew Cuomo ... to Judith Kaye ... ALL Coming Soon..

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